Call for Positions
For the recently established Cluster of Excellence (CoE) Bilateral Artificial Intelligence (BILAI), funded by the Austrian Science Fund, we are seeking highly motivated and talented individuals to join our dynamic research team for combining symbolic and sub-symbolic AI.
The successful candidates will conduct research at one of the six leading research institutions across Austria:
Johannes Kepler University Linz, AAU Klagenfurt, ISTA, TU Graz, TU Wien and WU Vienna.
The research team is committed to cross-disciplinary work in order to provide novel theory and models for future AI systems and deployment to applications.
Calls for aplications are provided on the indiviual partner sites:
Positions at WU Vienna:
Positions at Johannes Kepler University Linz:
Positions at TU Vienna:
Positions at ISTA Graduate School:
Positions at ISTA Postdoc Fellowships:
Positions at University of Klagenfurt:
Positions at TU Graz:
…more positions are coming soon…