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Key researchers

University of Klagenfurt 
Wolfgang Faber, Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity
Gerhard Friedrich, Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity
Martin Gebser, Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity
Dietmar Jannach, Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity
Elisabeth Oswald, Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity

Graz University of Technology 
Robert Legenstein, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
Elisabeth Lex, Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science
Wolfgang Maass, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
Robert Peharz, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
Thomas Pock, Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision
Franz Wotawa, Institute of Software Technology

Institute of Science and Technology Austria 
Dan Alistarh, Distributed Algorithms Group
Krishnendu Chatterjee, Game Theory and Verification of Correctness Group
Christoph Lampert, Machine Learning and Computer Vision Group, ELLIS Unit ISTA
Marco Mondelli, Data Science, Machine Learning and Information Theory Group

Johannes Kepler University Linz 
Johannes Fürnkranz, Computational Data Analytics
Sepp Hochreiter, Institute for Machine Learning, ELLIS Unit Linz, LIT AI Lab
Günter Klambauer, Institute for Machine Learning, ELLIS Unit Linz
Markus Schedl, Institute of Computational Perception, LIT AI Lab
Martina Seidl, Institute for Symbolic Artificial Intelligence, LIT AI Lab
Gerhard Widmer, Institute of Computational Perception

Vienna University of Economics and Business 
Kurt Hornik, Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics, Institute for Statistics and Mathematics
Sabrina Kirrane, Institute for Information Systems and New Media
Axel Polleres, Institute for Data, Process and Knowledge Management

Vienna University of Technology 
Agata Ciabattoni, Institute of Logic and Computation
Thomas Eiter, Institute of Logic and Computation
Robert Ganian, Institute of Logic and Computation
Georg Gottlob, Institute of Logic and Computation
Thomas Lukasiewicz, Institute of Logic and Computation
Silvia Miksch, Centre for Visual Analytics Science and Technology
Nysret Musliu, Institute of Logic and Computation
Magdalena Ortiz, Institute of Logic and Computation
Emanuel Sallinger, Institute of Logic and Computation
Stefan Szeider, Institute of Logic and Computation
Stefan Woltran, Institute of Logic and Computation